Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land

So much more than 'just the end of black coal'
Our staple industry vanishes quickly - what does the mean for our lives?
We set out for this two year project in 2018 with two cities initiating the project, that from an areal view look so alike: Aliveri (Greece) and Ibbenbüren (German) - both cities share a towering coal powerplant. Underneath the soil, we share the coal mines as relics of our past.

2018-2019 Charting the Grounds
In our first project year, looking at environmental changes and sustainability, we found that there was so much more to 'the end of black coal' that we were able to see at a first glance.
We set out on a journey to explore, what exactly this 'simple end to coal' means for the people and the places we live in. For our neighbors, our families, our regions.
We set out to find ways, how we can help positively help our regions master the transition to a 'new light'.
Knowing that our black cold is gone, we were looking for a 'new light'.

2019-2020 The end of fossil fuels means so much more than 'just' energy.
It means: new daily routines for large parts of our cities' population. It means a loss of jobs, but also a re-orientation of the local economy. It means: a re-structuring process of communications pathways and of ways to communicate - you are no longer 'Kumpel' working for the same company, sharing work practices and often also leisure time together. It means: Whole 'traditions' of families based on a financial future in the coal industry coming to an end. Parents can no longer tell their children "this is where you have to work (because there is no other employer" or "this is where you always will be able to find work - even if all else fails".
It means either drifting into the change process - as  or taking a more informed and moderated approach.

Students from Greece and Germany research archive materials, interview people, and experience how the coal industry has influenced the lives and work of a wide variety of people and how a world without coal, fossil fuels and electricity could shape our future.
We examine the past of coal work, explore how an exit from the coal industry can work and what impact it could have on our daily lives.

Our Project


2024     Onlinebroschüre         Video
2022     Onlinebroschüre

Beschulung Berufsschule






Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land
Wilhelmstr. 8
49477 Ibbenbüren

fon: +49 (0) 54 51 / 50 96 0
fax: +49 (0) 54 51 / 50 96 50

Kontakt Anreise


Standort Lengerich (3. OG)

Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land
Bahnhofstr. 112
49525 Lengerich


Montag 07:30-10:00 & 10:30-16:00 Uhr
Dienstag 07:30-10:00 & 10:30-16:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 07:30-10:00 & 10:30-16:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 07:30-10:00 & 10:30-16:00 Uhr
Freitag 07:30-10:00 & 10:30-13:00 Uhr
Ferien 08:00-10:00 Uhr